

Starting in October, all grade 4-6 girls are placed on a World Cup Soccer Team and participate in the World Cup of Soccer tournament. Games are played during lunch recess and the competition is fierce. The World Cup is awarded in late November to the winner of the Final Match. The winning team have their names engraved on the trophy and the trophy is proudly displayed in the school’s trophy case.

Once soccer wraps up, it is time for the grade 4-6 boys to start their Stanley Cup hockey intramurals. Each boy is placed on an NHL team and games takes place during lunch recess.  The energy in the gym is unbelievable as the boys battle it out for who will make it the Final match-up. The Stanley Cup is presented to the winning team at the end of the season by a member of the local RCMP detachment who is dressed in full regalia. 



Students in grade 5-6 have the opportunity to participate in the school choir.  Participation in events such as school chapels, Volunteer Tea, Sherwood Park Alliance Church services, Festival of Trees, Sherwood Park Music Festival and our Spring musical allow the choir to perform the many songs they rehearse throughout the year. The choir practices after school one day per week for the entire school year.


Chess & Checkers


Chess and checkers is a lunch recess club for grade 4 and 5 students that meets twice per week during the months of January and February.  Starting in January, students learn how to play each game by engaging in friendly competition with their peers.  The focus of the club is on learning game play strategy and enjoying time together.  Whether you're new to the games of chess and checkers or you're a seasoned pro - there is room for every skill level within the club.

Basketball & Volleyball

Students in grades 5 & 6 have the opportunity to participate in an after-school basketball or volleyball program. The program promotes skills that are necessary so that students entering junior high will be ready for school team try-outs. Practices are after school with basketball starting mid-February and volleyball in mid-May.